#330 A Guard’s Demands
October 14, 2022
Smugastut the guard has turned towards a mass of colleagues and is making an announcement. Tuple the guard is among the guards, jumping excitedly. There's also Sharpie the detective jumping from a wooden ladder onto the ground.
Smugastut: “Alright, pickets! We’re gonna liberate the glupperies! Are we ready?!”
Guards: “YAAAH!”
Sharpie: “No need.”
Smugastut snaps and grabs Sharpie by the back of his oversized coat, dangling him in the air. Devastated Tuple falls down on knees, crying hopelessly. The other guards don't look pleased either.
Smugastut: “WHAT!? You promised us glup if we fetched every guard! We’ve been running around all day doing EXACTLY AS YOU ASKED without a drink! Or a snack! OR ANYTHING! We’re not going to lift a toe ‘til we get some glup! BANG MY HEAD AND TRUST DAS LAW!”
Smugastut is still dangling Sharpie, who stays calm as ever. A couple of guards in the background gasp at the sight of a shadowy group of owl people approaching, each holding drinking mugs in their hands.
Sharpie: “Chill, Smugastut. The glup’s right ‘ere.”

Stygian Lord says:
Yes, the guards sometimes call each other “pickets”.