#160 Das Beginning
July 19, 2019Transcript
And so the citizens suddenly found themselves at the Peacemongers/DLEP headquarters. At the end of the long line lay their newest authority:
**Das Law**
Citizen: This part is strange. Why should we need to keep a logbook of our tools?
Other citizen: ... What’s a logbook?
Guard: Everyone! Start logging your books with your tools!
Other guard: YEAH!
Some other guard: Tools!
Yet another guard: Logboooks!
Citizen: Oh dear...
Gheralf says:
I found a stick and some string, so I made a duster from my preened feathers. Now I can clean up this place! (OvO)b
Vayandil says:
Don't worry, my dust fluffy friends! I won't let the claw of Das Law nor the feathered menace near you! I'll fence off the corner I call my home and we'll all be safe until we get out of here!