#106 Get Depuff

July 5, 2018
Forget adventuring, you can’t even go out looking like that!


When you want to get puff, be careful when choosing your gym.

Some gyms are not very professional. You can never know what kind of training you get.

You may even end up looking like a yesterday’s banana tree instead.
That is actually rather intimidating. Please stay away from us.



Gheralf says:

The Aviatar has not hooted even once.

But he has made some other strange noise. Twice now, in fact.

It sounded like he was saying “omnomnom” really, really slowly.

I’m hungry.


Vayandil says:

Yup, still here at the shrine, so here is a comic we made some time ago. We have been away from home for so long that we do not know how the puff business is doing at the moment. Hopefully those cheap gyms have vanished or they have at least become more professional. The poor depuffed individuals are something no one, not even the depuffed ones themselves, wants in their neighbourhood. That towering stance and the mean leer, not to mention how uncomfortable it must feel to have the whole plumage squeezing at you like that...